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Name :*
Date of Birth:
Age (Years):*
Height(cm) :
Weigh(KG) :
Sex* MaleFemale
Country * Egypt
City* CairoAlexandriaGizaShubra el-KhemaPort SaidSuezEl Mahalla el KubraEl MansouraTantaAsyutFayoumZagazigIsmailiaKhususAswanDamanhurEl-MinyaDamiettaLuxorQenaBeni SuefSohagShibin el-KomHurghadaBanha
Phone no*
Reactions Start: *
Reactions End: *
Please Describe the Reaction:*
In case of adverse reaction Check all appropriate:* Patient diedInvolved or prolonged inpatient hospitalizationInvolved persistence or significant disability or incapacityLife threateningCongenital abnormalities
Outcome of the event:* -Recovered \ Resolved- Recovering \ Resolving- Not Recovered \ Not resolved- Recovered \ Resolved with sequence- Fatal- Unknown
Treatment Given for reaction:*
Suspect drug(s) name including generic name and batch no.(If Applicable):*
Daily dose(s): *
Route of administration: *
Indication for use: *
Therapy dates:
From: *
To: *
Did reaction disappear after stopping drug?* YesNo
Did reaction reappear after reintroduction of drug?* YesNo
Concomitant drug(s) and history:
Concomitant drug(s) and dates of administration (exclude those used to treat reaction):*
Other relevant history (e.g. Diagnostics, allergies, pregnancy with last month ofperiod, etc.):*
Phone no. :*
Email :*
Attach file:
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